Spokane, WA - Bus
Thanks to Spokane Transit Authority for hosting the Northwest Transit Exchange and letting me give a talk there -- so I can't leave y'all out of the Archive. Sorry the video is blurry, but you can see the important stuff.
Spokane Transit Authority Bus
The video captures the start of route announcements on route 60 to the airport. Cute animations and nice welcome orientation! But... my compliments mostly end there. In just this message, there are some inexplicable page breaks due to clumsy spacing of text:
- Next
- StopSprg/Monr
- oe
On other rides on my trip, the text-to-speech voice had frequent inhuman inflection, and at times didn't even pronounce "Spokane" better. The announcements did all sound at a good location for every stop, and some transfer information was included. Props to a small transit agency for hitting the baseline consistently, but it doesn't go much beyond that.